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#13 Where Two Worlds Meet

#13 Where Two Worlds Meet

VonThis is Basel. Der Podcast

#13 Where Two Worlds Meet

VonThis is Basel. Der Podcast

35 Minuten
8. Sept. 2022


In our first English episode, host Katja is joined by multimedia artist Permi Jhooti. They talk about her new production in cooperation with the Kunstmuseum Basel and Theater Basel.

What will you find out in this interview?
- How did the current Picasso – El Greco exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Basel inspire the dance performance “Hidden Matter”?
- How does Permi Jhooti feel as an expat in Basel?
- Why is every minute of Permi’s life in Basel quality time?
- What is a unique thing that only Basel has?

Show notes:
- Permi Jhooti’s website: https://permijhooti.com
- Hidden Matter (in September 2022): https://kunstmuseumbasel.ch/en/agenda/themes/hidden-matter
- More information and pictures: https://www.basel.com/podcast
8. Sept. 2022

Titel in dieser Serie (21)

Kommt mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch Basel. Katja Reichenstein spricht mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, die wissen, wie Basel tickt – und echte Geheimtipps verraten. Es geht um Kunst, Kultur, Architektur, Genuss und vieles mehr. Jeden Monat eine neue Folge! Hintergrundinfos und Fotos findet ihr hier: https://thisis.basel.com/podcast_stream