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Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration: Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im
Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration: Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im
Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration: Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im
eBook334 Seiten11 Stunden

Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration: Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

The Antwerp congregation of the Augsburg Confession of the year 1566/67 was the largest and most important Lutheran congregation of the Netherlands and of outstanding importance for the development of dutch Lutheranism. Before they were expelled, gnesiolutheran theologians such as Matthias Flacius and Cyriakus Spangenberg worked in the congregation. In this investigation the author shows how the daughter congregations and their connections to the Antwerp mother congregation were organised, and examines other consequences of the emigration. The book builds a bridge from the prerequisites that led to the founding of the congregation to the emergence of other congrations.
Erscheinungsdatum14. Mai 2018
Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration: Die Antwerpener Gemeinde Augsburger Konfession im

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    Konfessionelle Theologie und Migration - Carsten Brall

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