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Berserk Max, Band 7
Berserk Max, Band 7
Berserk Max, Band 7
eBook478 Seiten

Berserk Max, Band 7

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Guts entscheidet sich, Rikkelt und die immer noch verstörte Kjaskar beim Schwertschmied Godot zurückzulassen und wieder einmal alleine seines Weges zu gehen. Doch furchterregende Wesen aus dem Schattenreich sind seine ständigen Begleiter, und jede Nacht muss er aufs Neue zu einem Überlebenskampf gegen die Kräfte der Finsternis antreten. Doch dann begegnet Guts der frechen Elfe Puck und einem verängstigten Mädchen.
HerausgeberPanini Manga
Erscheinungsdatum14. Mai 2016
Berserk Max, Band 7

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Bewertung: 4.5249996625 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is the seventh volume in the Berserk manga series and it was another wonderful addition to this series. This story continues right after Guts and Casca fall off the cliff into a river together.We learn a lot more about both Casca’s and Griffith’s past in this volume. It was interesting to see Casca’s background and where she came from. We also learn some about what Griffith has done to get to where he is today.Casca and Guts seem to be forming a partnership of sorts. However, they are ambushed by Chuder forces and forced to fight for their lives. Guts kills 100 men and makes a decision about his life path. Meanwhile Griffith signs up the Band of the Hawk to take on their toughest battle yet.The illustration continues to be top notch and I really enjoy how much story we get in each volume. I can’t wait to read the next volume in the series!!Overall a wonderful continuation of this action packed and brutal series. There is a lot of story in here, the characters are engaging and interesting, and the action is non-stop! Definitely recommended to mature readers who love seinen and enjoy fantasy horror with a lot of action!


Berserk Max, Band 7 - Kentaro Miura

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