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DORK Diaries, Band 03: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt
DORK Diaries, Band 03: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt
DORK Diaries, Band 03: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt
eBook286 Seiten

DORK Diaries, Band 03: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Die erste Regel für echte DORKs: kaum aus einem Schlamassel heraus, möglichst unverzüglich ins nächste Fettnäpfchen treten. Und niemand beherzigt diese Regel so gewissenhaft wie Nikki. Als sie bei einem Familienausflug mit ihrer kleinen Schwester auf der Karaokebühne landet, befindet sich ausgerechnet MacKenzie - absolute Oberzicke und Nikkis BFFI (Beste-Feindin-für-immer) - in genau demselben Lokal … und hält hämisch grinsend die Handykamera drauf! ARRGH!
Dank YouTube sieht am nächsten Morgen auch die restliche Schule Nikkis glorreichen Aufritt. Am liebsten würde Nikki auswandern, aber es hilft nichts, schließlich heißt die zweite Regel für echte DORKs: Augen zu und durch!

Erscheinungsdatum8. März 2012
DORK Diaries, Band 03: Nikkis (nicht ganz so) phänomenaler Auftritt

Rachel Renée Russell

Rachel Renée Russell is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Dork Diaries, an international blockbuster series chronicling the life and misadventures of middle school students, Nikki Maxwell and her best friends Chloe and Zoey. With humor and wit, Rachel’s books encourage tweens to embrace their individuality and always let their inner dork shine through. The Dork Diaries series has been translated into forty-two languages worldwide and its characters are as diverse as the millions of tweens who read the books. With more than fifty-five million books in print, the series has garnered such honors as two Kids’ Book Choice Awards, an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work for Children, the Milner Award for Children’s Literature, and a Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Book of the Year nomination. Rachel is also the author of a second New York Times bestselling series, The Misadventures of Max Crumbly, which received a Kids’ Book Choice Award. Her daughter, Nikki Russell, is the illustrator for both book series. The mother-daughter team has released nineteen consecutive New York Times bestsellers.

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Bewertung: 4.141304270652173 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    SOOOO much better than the last two. It's still a cliched rip-off of the ever-popular Battle of the Bands prize solves all protagonist's problems, but Nikki is far more likable in this one.

    1 Person fand dies hilfreich

  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star is about a girl named Nikki who receives a tuition bill. The easiest way to earn a scholarship is to win the talent show, so she organizes a band and signs up for the talent show. I like this book because it is like a female version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, which I like. Also, I like it because she comes up with a strategy to solve a big problem. If I were her I would have told my parents first, but I would have also tried to solve the problem. I would totally recommend this book to other kids.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is about a girl named Nikki and she is trying out for the talent show. Along the way she has to deal with crush problems, mean girls, and a crazy family. Her month starts off with having to watch her sister, Brianna,at the mall and then her sister goes into the fountain in search for money and they get enough money to go to a pizza place. While they are there they get invited to go up on stage and sing the place's theme song and while they are there the popular mean girl, MacKinzie, is there with her little sister and friends also and get a video of them dancing. Then Nikki has a problem with the tution bill she gets for school since her dad "can't" work and the only way to pay the tution off is to win the talent show. There is only on problem, MacKinzie is out to ruin Nikki's life and her chances with winning the talent show. What will happen? Find out in Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star. This book is amazing and it show the life of a teen. Teens have to go through drama,family problems, and so much more. Rachel Renee Russell is able to put all of that in one series. This book keeps you waiting for more and rolling on the floor laughing. If the words won't keep you laughing the pictures sure will. The pictures and illustrations look like a teen drawled them and they go perfectly with the text. If Rachel Renee Russell writes another book, I want to be one of the first to read, her books are just that good.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I really enjoyed reading Dork Diaries 3. This book is about Nikki, Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon. It is pretty much the same characters as the other books in the series. In this book Nikki's friendship grows more with Chloe, Zoey, Brandon and more people. There is a new story where Nikki and her friends form a band to enter in the school talent show. Bad news, Mackenzie and her friends formed their own group to enter too. Whoever wins the talent show gets a big prize.Who will win? This is a laugh-out-loud book by Rachel Renee Russell.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This book was kind of like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid but for girls. It's an amazing book. I was laughing at every page. I really enjoyed this book.


DORK Diaries, Band 03 - Rachel Renée Russell

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