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Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1: Kampf um Queen Industries
Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1: Kampf um Queen Industries
Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1: Kampf um Queen Industries
eBook339 Seiten1 Stunde

Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1: Kampf um Queen Industries

Bewertung: 2.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Start der NEUEN Green-Arrow-Serie! In diesem fetten Megaband findet sich der Start der neuen Green-Arrow-Serie – 16 US-Hefte stark. Green Arrow, der Superheld mit Pfeil und Bogen, kämpft in Seattle, in Alaska und in China gegen übermächtige Gegner und um den Erhalt seines Erbes. Die Vorlage für die TV-Serie "Arrow", die gerade mit großem Erfolg in den USA läuft! Von Dan Jurgens, Ann Nocenti und anderen Superstars! Vorlage für die erfolgreiche TV-Serie "Arrow".
Erscheinungsdatum29. Apr. 2022
Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1: Kampf um Queen Industries

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Bewertung: 2.71666668 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The Green Arrow battles villains across the world and struggles to keep up his personal business appearance.The illustrations are well done and detailed.Until later when Blood Rose appears, the narrative feels fairly trite and lackluster. Once the Blood Rose team appear, more depth begins to appear in the story.Overall, an adequate read.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Not the greatest entry in the New 52 bunch of TPBs. Oliver Queen is still Green Arrow (thought with no goatee, just stubble). He's also not the CEO of Queen Industries, but instead the CEO of one of Queen Industries' subsidiaries, Q-COre (I think it's supposed to be like Apple in the real world).So, while he does battle against a deadly lady and a big ole guy who's a toxic waste dump as Green Arrow, there's a whole lot more of Oliver Queen and his problems at work as well in the stories. I didn't love that about the TPB.I also didn't like Green Arrow's team of two, Jax and Naomi. I guess DC thought, 'oh no, we don't have Oracle anymore, we need someone else to sit in front of a bunch of video screens.' But really, and this I hadn't felt in a while with Green Arrow, with this TPB Green Arrow has gone back to being Batman: Lite, and not in a good way. But hopefully the second TPB will be better.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This was just awful. I prefer Kevin Smith's Green Arrow ten times over this, and I can't believe that they could so effectively ruin a charcater like Green Arrow in the New 52 reboot. Maybe this is why the Arrow comic was started? Die hard fans may find something to enjoy, or fans of the TV show Arrow.


Green Arrow Megaband - Bd. 1 - Ann Nocenti

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