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Berserk Max, Band 11
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Berserk Max, Band 11
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Berserk Max, Band 11
eBook454 Seiten

Berserk Max, Band 11

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Am Turm der Verdammten herrscht pures Chaos: In einem riesigen Flüchtlingslager prallen eine Gruppe von Ketzern, die Vertreter der Kirche mit dem gefürchteten Inquisitor Mozgus und gewisse übernatürliche Kräfte aufeinander. Inmitten des Wahnsinns versucht Guts mit aller Macht, die geistig verwirrte Kjaskar zu finden und zu retten. Das wird auch allerhöchste Zeit, denn die ehemalige Kameradin wurde bereits als Ketzerin verhaftet und droht, auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt zu werden.
HerausgeberPanini Manga
Erscheinungsdatum24. Mai 2016
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Berserk Max, Band 11

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Bewertung: 4.478260717391304 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the 11th volume in the Berserk series and I didn’t enjoy this volume quite as much as the previous ones. The book is mostly a big battle between the Band of the Hawk and the Knights of the Black Dog.As with previous books there is a lot of violence and gore here including one rape scene and another almost rape scene. This series continues to be only for mature readers.You see hints of this in volume 11 but this is book where it is revealed that Wyald is. This is also the volume where we see things going from bad to worse for the world at large.The illustration remains really well done but the story didn’t make as much progress as it has in previous volumes.Overall this was great continuation of the Berserk series. I am eager to see what happens next. Recommended to fans of fantasy horror with a lot of action.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This volume is packed with action and battle. The whole sub plot revolves around the band fleeing or fighting Wyald. And he is a nasty piece of work. This is the second time Guts faces the supernatural and he can sense the difference. He and the reader are beginning to be able to put some pieces together to see what the all the hints and foreshadowing is pointing towards. There have been multiple scenes by now that have clued us in to something about one year and an eclipse. This volume furthers those hints. We’re getting closer to the point where Guts in the present makes sense. Great artwork, but explicit.