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Broken Stone Circle
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Broken Stone Circle
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Broken Stone Circle
eBook133 Seiten1 Stunde

Broken Stone Circle

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Über dieses E-Book

„Broken Stone Circle“ ist das zweite Buchprojekt des Autors Klaus Peter Wagner, folgend auf die „Santaklaus - Quadrologie der Liebe“. Wie schon in der „Quadrologie“, sind die Liebe und das harmonische Zusammenleben in allen sozialen Gruppen zentrale Themen. Das Werk umfasst 80 illustrierte Kurzgeschichten. Für die Namensgebung ist ein historischer, in vier Teile gebrochener und 200 Jahre alter Mühlstein am Kolmgut in Prambachkirchen - Österreich verantwortlich. Der Mühlstein wurde früher zum Aufbrechen des Getreides benutzt. Mit Hilfe von Zugtieren wurde der Stein im Kreis bewegt und das in der Steinrinne befindliche Getreide gequetscht. Nach über 100jähriger Verwendung wurde der große Mühlstein schließlich von einer elektrischen Maschine ersetzt. Die alte Mühle war in dieser Form überflüssig geworden und wurde zerlegt. Beim Abbau der Mühle zerbrach der schwere Stein in vier Teile, diese wurden neben einem Schuppen gelagert und jahrzehntelang vergessen. Erst im Jahr 2015 als am Kolmgut eine Blumenwiese mit Kraftplatz errichtet wurde, erinnerte man sich an den alten Mühlstein, welcher jetzt im Zentrum des Kraftplatzes liegt und die Schwingungen auf die Umgebung verteilt. Mit der grafischen Gestaltung ist es gelungen dieses Phänomen in das Buchprojekt zu implementieren, ähnlich den Grundprinzipien des goldenen Schnittes. Biosensorische Messungen dienten zur Optimierung der Ausgewogenheit und Harmonie des Projektes. Philosophisch gesehen sollte dieses Buch den Leser dabei unterstützen, Dinge des täglichen Lebens leichter zu erkennen und damit jung zu bleiben. Viel Freude mit dem „Broken Stone Circle“ und herzlich willkommen auf meiner Internetseite ... www.santaklauspublishinghouse.com ... KPW
Erscheinungsdatum6. Dez. 2018
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Broken Stone Circle

Klaus Peter Wagner

Curriculum Vitae ... Klaus Peter Wagner was born in 1965 in Upper Austria. After completing his general education in Prambachkirchen and Eferding, he graduated from the Higher Technical Institute in Linz as civil engineer followed by a business study at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, rounding off his academic education with an MBA. Concurrently with his studies, he worked in the family´s gastronomy business in Upper Austria, where he was primarily involved with planning, marketing, advertising and personnel management. By this time, from around 1988 onwards, KPW discovered that he was a sharp observer of human psychology and sociological phenomena. His work in the gastronomical business, which allowed him to keep his finger on the pulse of society, provided him with ample opportunities. Klaus Peter Wagner assumed ownership in 1994 of his parents´ estate, Kolmgut in Prambachkirchen, which he has managed since. In 1999 early writings emerged, texts that would be incorporated in 2005 into the first part of the Santaklaus - Quadrology of Love. The second volume appeared in 2007, the third in 2009, and the fourth and final volume of the conceptual work of art was released in 2011. The Santaklaus - Quadrology of Love combines graphical elements with texts that seem to be fragments, but which, in their sparse, modern language, offer concealed elements that prompt reflect and produce a serene satisfaction. Central themes include love and the harmonious state of living together among all social groups, partnerships, families, and the transition from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius - to its higher vibrations. The style of writing works to trace out the themes in a relaxed manner, and the texts frequently reveal their depth of meaning upon the second or third reading. The texts are enriched by illustrations done by KPW himself. His education at the Higher Technical Institute in Linz provided a solid foundation in technical draftsmanship, which he drew upon to produce the precise illustrations that he then enhanced with artistic elements. The covers of the four volumes of the Santaklaus - Quadrology of Love form four quadrants of a complete picture that is revealed when all four are placed together. This is a novelty in the international book market. This effect is produced on both the front and the back covers of the books, providing the readers with two pictures. To allow for a full appreciation of this, a specially designed frame for the books is also being offered. One can already sense with EVOL 3 the deeper conceptual relationship that is being unveiled, and with EVOL 4 it is fully revealed. With the Four-Fish-Solution comes the dissolution of the graphic representing the age of pisces, and the 11-Hearts-Solution effects the dissolution of the graphic representing the age of aquarius. 2018 the second book project Broken Stone Circle is published by the author Klaus Peter Wagner, following Santaklaus - Quadrology of Love. Much like in the previous books, love and the harmonious connectedness across all social strata are the central theme. The book is a collection of 80 illustrated short stories. The name is based on a historical, 200-year-old millstone at Kolmgut in Prambachkirchen (Austria) that has broken into four parts. KPW´s further interests include architecture, art, culture, design, music, nature, nutrition, travel, spirituality and sport. Welcome to my website ... www.santaklauspublishinghouse.com ... KPW

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