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Argus (Gekürzte Fassung)
Argus (Gekürzte Fassung)
Argus (Gekürzte Fassung)
Hörbuch (gekürzt)7 Stunden

Argus (Gekürzte Fassung)

Geschrieben von Jilliane Hoffman

Erzählt von Andrea Sawatzki

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

"No risk, no fun", denkt Gabby und ignoriert die innere Stimme, die sie davor warnt, den gutaussehenden Reid in seine Kellerwohnung zu begleiten. Sie kennt ihn erst seit ein paar Stunden. Zu spät sieht sie die Kamera, zu spät bemerkt sie, dass sie nicht allein sind: Augen beobachten sie. Viele Augen. Böse Augen ...
Einige Jahre später: Eine Serie von bestialischen Frauenmorden erschüttert Miami. Ein Kreis einflussreicher Männer soll dahinterstecken. Nur einer kennt die Namen der Mitglieder des tödlichen Clubs: William Bantling, der vor zehn Jahren für die Cupido-Morde verurteilt wurde und noch immer im Todestrakt sitzt. Er ist bereit, mit Staatsanwältin Daria zu reden. Doch ist sie bereit, seinen Preis zu zahlen?
HerausgeberArgon Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum25. Okt. 2012
Argus (Gekürzte Fassung)

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Bewertung: 3.965517131034483 von 5 Sternen

29 Bewertungen1 Rezension

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Set in Miami, this is a corker of a crime thriller. The main characters, detective Manny Alvarez, Assistant State Attorney Daria De Bianchi and prosecutor C.J Townsend are well drawn and likeable. They all have flaws and baggage which impact on their careers and day to day lives.The story begins with the discovery of a body in a dumpster. The victim is a missing student and it is obvious that she has been brutally tortured before death.Manny and Daria are working together on the case and have arrested a hot shot, over indulged playboy Talbot Lunders. Lunders was spotted leaving a nightclub with the dumpster vicitm, but there is no evidence to link him to her actual murder. Enter one William Bantling, an infamous serial killer serving time on Death Row. He promises a lead.....but only in return for his death sentence to be commuted. Then, bizzarely, Lunder's doting mother supplies a video which shows a young woman being subjected to what looks like S & M. Is it consentual? Is it a snuff movie? Indeed is there evidence of a so called snuff club where online voyeurs pay a shed load of cash to watch young women being sexually tortured, raped and killed? Does this exonerate her son? Is the dumpster victim more likely a puppet in this snuff club scenario?One person knows first hand how it is to be raped and tortured and barely make it out alive. That is Chloe aka C. J. Townsend.....or thats her name right now. She is the prosecutor who put William Bantling behind bars. What she didn't reveal is that she was one of his first victims. Living under an assumed name in Chicago and, as a successful prosecutor, still putting the bad guys away, she is the last person who wants to be dragged in to this drama. However, there is little choice..............This is a gripping story and it keeps it's pace for the most part. A little overlong, it did drag a little about a third of the way through, but warmed up again to the point I couldn't put it down! A great "beach read" and, although not quite as brilliant as "Pretty Little Things" I can still recommend it whole heartedly.