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Emilys Entdeckung
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Emilys Entdeckung
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Emilys Entdeckung
Hörbuch2 Stunden

Emilys Entdeckung

Geschrieben von Liz Kessler

Erzählt von Christina Drechsler

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

Emilys Leben auf der verborgenen kleinen Insel ist einfach perfekt. Doch alles ändert sich, als sie auf dem Grund des Ozeans ein geheimnisvolles Glitzern entdeckt: einen Ring! Aber, oh Schreck, kaum anprobiert, geht er nicht mehr ab - und Neptun wird so wütend wie noch nie. Welches Geheimnis trägt dieser Ring? Und was ist das für ein seltsames Schloss, das da mitten im Ozean liegt? Christina Drechsler, begleitet von der märchenhaften Musik Henrik Albrechts, nimmt den Hörer mit auf eine spannende und lebendige Reise durch das Reich Neptuns.
HerausgeberDer Audio Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum6. Feb. 2015
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Emilys Entdeckung

Liz Kessler

Liz Kessler has written over twenty books for children and young adults. Most of these are middle grade books featuring mermaids, fairies, time travel, and superpowers. She lives in the UK.

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Bewertung: 4.333333333333333 von 5 Sternen

3 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Emily Windsnap is a brave and daring girl. She leads an interesting life because she is half mermaid, half human. This story takes place in two places; Allpoints Island and the middle of the ocean. There is a castle in the misty ocean. You can't get to the castle, even if you swam for hours and hours. In the beginning, Emily finds a ring buried on the island. King Neptune, the ruler of all oceans, wants the ring for himself. No one know why. He throws Emily, her best friend Shona, and her mom's friend Millie, off the island and into the ocean. Emily and Shona try to get to the castle but it takes them too long so they give up and go home. That night Emily has a dream. It tells her to let the ring she found lead her to the castle. When she wakes up she decides to do just that. When she gets there she meets a young boy her age named Aaron. He tells her why Neptune wants the ring. Read this book to find out if Emily gets off the island and why Neptune wants the ring. Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist is a great book. I thought it was so suspenseful that you felt like you were Emily or Shona. There is so much detail that when the book talked about Emily feeling weak or the ring burning her hand, I felt it too. All of the characters are very real. They aren't too perfect. I recommend this book to people who have read the other books in the series. It would be hard to understand if you haven't read the other books.I
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Very Very Good throughout
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Definately read the other two before this one, or you'll be lost. It's my least favorite of the three.