Eat & Travel


Coming face to face with an aviation giant, tracing industrial history in a steel blast furnace, visiting places of inspiration of inventors and thinkers - industrial tourism is more than just a visit to a museum. Rather, it connects people with history, things and phenomena at the place where they were created…

Einem Luftfahrtgiganten gegenüberstehen, in einem Stahlhochofen Industriegeschichte nachspüren, Inspirationsstätten von Tüftlern und Denkern besuchen – Industrietourismus ist mehr als ein Museumsbesuch. Er verbindet vielmehr Menschen mit Geschichte, Dingen und Phänomenen am Ort ihrer Entstehung …



The south-western French city of Toulouse is the European capital of aerospace. Among the best-known companies that have set up shop in the “ville rose” is Airbus, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer. Travellers can delve deep into the fascination of aircraft on four different factory tours on the grounds of the Airbus headquarters. The themed tours include the tour “Discovering the Airbus”, where visitors can marvel at the assembly hall of the aviation giant A380. Aircraft fans can also find out how a test flight works and what to look out for. Fans

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