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Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy on Tour
Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy auf Reisen
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

Prinz Murphy the World traveling Cavalier Series

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über diese Serie

Dear readers,
It is a particular pleasure for me to introduce you to the fascinating world of dog travel. This book, written from the perspective of Prince Murphy, our royal four-legged friend, was created with the aim of not only giving you practical tips for traveling with your dog, but also creating an emotional connection.
Traveling with our loyal companions not only gives us the opportunity to explore new places, but also strengthens the unique bond between humans and dogs. Prince Murphy, who is himself a passionate globetrotter, not only shares advice and recommendations in this book, but also his personal experiences and adventures.
From preparation to the actual trip to the return home - each chapter is dedicated to an important aspect of traveling with a dog. Whether it's practical health and safety tips, choosing dog-friendly accommodations or post-trip relaxation, Prince Murphy gives you royal insights and shares his knowledge to make your trips unforgettable.
Erscheinungsdatum6. März 2024
Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy on Tour
Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy auf Reisen

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy auf Reisen


    Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy auf Reisen
    Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy auf Reisen

    Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, es ist mir eine besondere Freude, euch in die faszinierende Welt der Hundereisen einzuführen. Dieses Buch, verfasst aus der Perspektive von Prinz Murphy, unserem königlichen Vierbeiner, entstand mit dem Ziel, euch nicht nur praktische Tipps für eure Reisen mit Hund zu geben, sondern auch eine emotionale Verbindung zu schaffen. Reisen mit unseren treuen Begleitern eröffnet uns nicht nur die Möglichkeit, neue Orte zu erkunden, sondern stärkt auch die einzigartige Bindung zwischen Mensch und Hund. Prinz Murphy, der selbst leidenschaftlicher Weltenbummler ist, teilt in diesem Buch nicht nur Ratschläge und Empfehlungen, sondern auch seine persönlichen Erlebnisse und Abenteuer.

  • Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy on Tour


    Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy on Tour
    Prinz Murphy - the World traveling Cavalier: Prinz Murphy on Tour

    Dear readers, It is a particular pleasure for me to introduce you to the fascinating world of dog travel. This book, written from the perspective of Prince Murphy, our royal four-legged friend, was created with the aim of not only giving you practical tips for traveling with your dog, but also creating an emotional connection. Traveling with our loyal companions not only gives us the opportunity to explore new places, but also strengthens the unique bond between humans and dogs. Prince Murphy, who is himself a passionate globetrotter, not only shares advice and recommendations in this book, but also his personal experiences and adventures. From preparation to the actual trip to the return home - each chapter is dedicated to an important aspect of traveling with a dog. Whether it's practical health and safety tips, choosing dog-friendly accommodations or post-trip relaxation, Prince Murphy gives you royal insights and shares his knowledge to make your trips unforgettable.

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