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Just Pretend: Love Comes To Town, #3
His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4
First Comes Love: Love Comes To Town, #1
eBook-Reihen4 Titel

Love Comes To Town Series

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Über diese Serie

I just saw my first love turned enemy at my best friend's wedding.
When he lands back in my bed, I'm left thinking,
This could be our second chance at love.
Or a level 10 disaster waiting to happen.


After 5 long years, our eyes locked once again.
He knows what he's doing.
Same silky smooth voice.
Same way of going after exactly what he wants.
Control is gone.
In its place is just one thing.
Red and hot.
He wants me.
I want him.
My guard is up.
I might trust my body to him.
But my heart?
He'll have to work much harder than that.

Especially now that he's given me something special to carry.

What will he do when I tell him?

Pick up His Second Chance if you love stories with undeniable chemistry, slow burn tension and happily-ever-afters guaranteed to leave you incredibly satisfied. Each full-length book in this tempting Love Comes to Town series can be read as a stand-alone. NO cheating. NO cliffhangers.

HerausgeberAshlee Price
Erscheinungsdatum15. Nov. 2023
Just Pretend: Love Comes To Town, #3
His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4
First Comes Love: Love Comes To Town, #1

Titel in dieser Serie (4)

  • First Comes Love: Love Comes To Town, #1


    First Comes Love: Love Comes To Town, #1
    First Comes Love: Love Comes To Town, #1

    Office Rule #1: Don't fall in love with the woman you're interviewing. Office Rule #2: I'm the boss so I make, and break, the rules.   Hobnobbing with staff is against company policy. Besides, a man in my position needs to be ruthless. Who cares if I'm known around the office as the brooding, difficult boss.   As the President of my family's empire, I've got more important things to do than sit in on interviews. Then she walked in the room. Once I laid my eyes on her, I'm filled with a throbbing intensity. A true showstopper. Hot. Smart. Sassy. She's my dream woman. But she's also off limits. Duty calls. My family desperately needs my TV project to be successful. We can't afford another juicy scandal on our hands. That new forbidden fantasy will have to remain just that. One thing is for sure.   She's full of fire. A fire that I can't resist. Doing the wrong thing never felt so thrilling. Which makes the temptation, and the risk, even hotter.   Book 1 in this hot, new, fun & flirty (grumphole) romance is filled with page melting heat, lots of teasing, drama and some sugar sweet moments that will give you all the feels. Into happily-ever-afters? Don't even wait because this HEA is guaranteed to satisfy your cravings.

  • Just Pretend: Love Comes To Town, #3


    Just Pretend: Love Comes To Town, #3
    Just Pretend: Love Comes To Town, #3

    Here's the deal. I'll be your unexpected hero. You can be my fake fiancé. And, we've got 90 days to figure everything out. Nolan I knew she was trouble when she showed up with my phone. The swąy of those hips. The smile on her lips when I say something funny. Sweet with just the right amount of sass. You're not supposed to fall in love with the woman you randomly bump into at the bar. And she's not supposed to accidentally text you something NSFW. But here we are. Drawn together like magnets. I knew this could end in heartbreak. But I'll stop at nothing to make her mine past the 90 days. Even if we lose everything. Including each other. Sierra He's my polar opposite. Mr. Grump. The wealthy black sheep brother from the infamous Storm family. I wasn't supposed to go through his phone. But one accidental text later, I can't seem to quit him. What's a girl to do when a gorgeous rich guy bumps into you? Well, you could tell him where to go. You could also tell the clumsy jerk that he dropped his phone. Or, you could secretly unlock it. To discover photos and texts that'll make you blush. And when he unexpectedly texts back, Make sure you don't forget to follow the unwritten rules of texting. Be unique. Tease him. Leave him wanting more. And…marry him in 90 days?! Just Pretend is a full-length steamy contemporary romance filled with accidental texts, real chemistry and a proposal that will knock you off your feet. Custom made for romance readers who love fake engagements, opposites attract, provocative texts and happily-ever-afters. All books in this Love Comes to Town series can be read as stand-alones but you'll love reading them together! Ashlee Price's books are recommended for fans of authors such as Nicole Snow, Alexis Winter, Sarah J. Brooks, Weston Parker, Ali Parker, Natasha L. Black, Claire Kingsley, Cassie-Anne L. Miller, and Samantha Christy.

  • His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4


    His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4
    His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4

    Ich habe gerade meine erste Liebe, die nun mein Feind ist, auf der Hochzeit meines besten Freundes gesehen. Als er wieder in meinem Bett landet, denke ich, das könnte unsere zweite Chance in der Liebe sein. Oder eine riesige Katastrophe, die nur auf ihren Ausbruch wartet. Nach fünf langen Jahren trafen sich unsere Blicke wieder. Er weiß, was er tut. Dieselbe seidenweiche Stimme. Dieselbe Art, sich genau das zu holen, was er will. Die Kontrolle ist verschwunden. An ihrer Stelle bleibt nur eine Sache. Begierde. Heiß glühend. Er will mich. Ich will ihn. Ich bin wachsam. Vielleicht vertraue ich ihm meinen Körper an. Aber mein Herz? Dafür wird er wesentlich härter arbeiten müssen. Besonders jetzt, wo er mir etwas Besonderes zu tragen gegeben hat. Was wird er tun, wenn ich es ihm sage?

  • His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4


    His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4
    His Second Chance: Love Comes To Town, #4

    I just saw my first love turned enemy at my best friend's wedding. When he lands back in my bed, I'm left thinking, This could be our second chance at love. Or a level 10 disaster waiting to happen.   After 5 long years, our eyes locked once again. He knows what he's doing. Same silky smooth voice. Same way of going after exactly what he wants. Control is gone. In its place is just one thing. Desire. Red and hot. He wants me. I want him. My guard is up. I might trust my body to him. But my heart? He'll have to work much harder than that. Especially now that he's given me something special to carry. What will he do when I tell him? Pick up His Second Chance if you love stories with undeniable chemistry, slow burn tension and happily-ever-afters guaranteed to leave you incredibly satisfied. Each full-length book in this tempting Love Comes to Town series can be read as a stand-alone. NO cheating. NO cliffhangers.  

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