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An Average Night on Androkles: Imperial Hammer, #1.1
Star Forge: Imperial Hammer, #2
Hammer and Crucible: Imperial Hammer, #1
eBook-Reihen8 Titel

Imperial Hammer Series

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über diese Serie

The full, best-selling Imperial Hammer series in one set.

Binge read the acclaimed space opera series featuring ex-Imperial Ranger Danny Andela and her friends and family, as they face a unique and deadly threat to the Empire, one that will tax their strength, drain their hearts and force them toward a bleak future…

It's full of action from beginning to end. – Reader review.

The Imperial Hammer series:
1.0: Hammer and Crucible
1.1: An Average Night on Androkles
2.0: Star Forge
3.0: Long Live the Emperor
4.0: Severed
5.0: Destroyer of Worlds

Space Opera Science Fiction Series Boxed Set

Praise for the Imperial Hammer series:

I am in awe of the writing ability and imagination of Cameron Cooper.

Brilliant and intricate.

Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg.

Twists and turns so you're never really sure what is going on behind the scenes.

I am so enthralled with the series that I am impatient for the release of the next book.

Cameron somehow describes scenes in ways that make me feel like I am actually present

This story truly does justice to the legacies of the greats, like Orson Scott Card and Frank Herbert.

Edge of your seat action will keep you captivated until the final page!!

Cooper is a masterful storyteller

An interesting and riveting book as have all the preceding stories been

This is sci-fi at its best.

This story, and the entire series, truly does justice to the greats of science fiction.


Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others. 

Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

Erscheinungsdatum21. Aug. 2020
An Average Night on Androkles: Imperial Hammer, #1.1
Star Forge: Imperial Hammer, #2
Hammer and Crucible: Imperial Hammer, #1

Titel in dieser Serie (8)

  • Hammer and Crucible: Imperial Hammer, #1


    Hammer and Crucible: Imperial Hammer, #1
    Hammer and Crucible: Imperial Hammer, #1

    The interstellar array which links worlds together wakes to find it has enemies… The Fourth Carinad Empire stretches across hundreds of settled worlds and stellar cities, and thousands of light years.  The Empire's people and data are linked by a space-folding gates array controlled by the Emperor and his cohorts.  When the array evolves into a sentient entity, it recognizes the Emperor as its foe. Danny Andela, once known as The Imperial Hammer, withdrew from the Imperial Rangers decades ago, her reputation in tatters. She lives on her family's star barge, waiting to die of a rare disease: old age.  She would be the array's perfect weapon against the Emperor, except she no longer gives a damn—about anything. Then Danny learns that the military disaster which essentially ended her life might possibly have been arranged by the Emperor himself… Hammer and Crucible is the first book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 1.1: An Average Night on Androkles 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Novel __ Praise and Kudos for Hammer and Crucible: Fourth place in Hugh Howey's Self-Published Science Fiction Contest This was a fun, fast paced read full of action and humor. I greedily read in this in one day. You will want to as well. Lots of action and a boatload of twists and turns that grab your attention and won't let go. It has kept me up way past bedtime! He builds the scenes in a way that I feel as though I am actually walking long the ship's corridors and I can totally relate to all of the characters. I loved Hammer and Crucible! Couldn't put it down. The plot is fascinating; it is intricate as well as filled with surprises and action. This is a read that really sucks you in! Excellent characters, twists and turns throughout. Written in such a natural hand that you can fully image the spectacular universe the author has created. __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • An Average Night on Androkles: Imperial Hammer, #1.1


    An Average Night on Androkles: Imperial Hammer, #1.1
    An Average Night on Androkles: Imperial Hammer, #1.1

    All Danny wants is an average night…   What starts out as an undisclosed job hunt turns into an interesting dinner date, but even that gets hijacked by a visit from an enemy Danny didn't know she had. Worse, the enemy has snatched Dalton and wants Danny in exchange, which leads Danny into an evening of surprises and a new companion… An Average Night on Androkles is a short story in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 1.1: An Average Night on Androkles 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Short Story __ Praise for the Imperial Hammer series: I love sci-fi and this story makes me love it even more. I am in awe of the writing ability and imagination of Cameron Cooper. Before reading any of this author's work, I would have stated I did not really like science fiction. THAT has changed. It's full of action from beginning to end. Brilliant and intricate. Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg. Twists and turns so you're never really sure what is going on behind the scenes. I am so enthralled with the series that I am impatient for the release of the next book. Cameron somehow describes scenes in ways that make me feel like I am actually present This story truly does justice to the legacies of the greats, like Orson Scott Card and Frank Herbert. Edge of your seat action will keep you captivated until the final page!! __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • Star Forge: Imperial Hammer, #2


    Star Forge: Imperial Hammer, #2
    Star Forge: Imperial Hammer, #2

    Danny is trapped in a fragile relationship with the self-aware interstellar array which calls itself Noam. The array provides transport and communications.  Without its cooperation, the Carinad Empire would collapse, stranding billions of people and causing chaos and death. Danny Andela, a former Ranger known as the Imperial Hammer, is the only human the array trusts.  Danny's work to keep the array happy and minimize its deadly temper tantrums is draining.  Worse, other humans distrust her because of her association with the array, including the crew of her one-of-a-kind ship, the Lythion. Broke and alone, Danny faces a new peril:  The array may not trust her, afterall… Star Forge is the second book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Novel __ Praise for The Imperial Hammer series: Fun, fast paced, full of action and humor. I greedily read in this in one day. You will want to as well. Lots of action and a boatload of twists and turns that grab your attention and won't let go. It has kept me up way past bedtime! This is a read that really sucks you in! Excellent characters, twists and turns throughout. Written in such a natural hand that you can fully image the spectacular universe the author has created. __ Cameron Cooper is the author of The Indigo Reports science fiction series and the alter ego for an Amazon #1 bestselling author in an unrelated genre. The Indigo Reports was originally conceived as a one-off series, but readers demanded more.  The Imperial Hammer series was released in early 2020. Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton and John Scalzi are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • Long Live The Emperor: Imperial Hammer, #3


    Long Live The Emperor: Imperial Hammer, #3
    Long Live The Emperor: Imperial Hammer, #3

    The Imperial Hammer versus the self-aware interstellar array. The array is their enemy, but Danny and the crew of the Supreme Lythion must pretend to be allies while they desperately search for the hidden factory where the array builds its army of super-suits. The clock is ticking. The Emperor is besieged and fending off assassination attempts at every turn, while innocent humans are cut off from the empire and left to starve.  And sooner or later, the array will learn the truth about Danny. When that happens, its wrath will be overwhelming. Long Live the Emperor is the third book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Novel __ Praise for Long Live the Emperor series: Diving straight into the action, this book hardly slows down! the nature vs nurture debate with quite an ethical dilemma on a galaxy spanning scale. I love sci-fi and this story makes me love it even more. I am in awe of the writing ability and imagination of Cameron Cooper. Before reading any of this author's work, I would have stated I did not really like science fiction. THAT has changed. It's full of action from beginning to end Brilliant and intricate. Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg twists and turns so you're never really sure what is going on behind the scenes. __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton and John Scalzi are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • Severed: Imperial Hammer, #4


    Severed: Imperial Hammer, #4
    Severed: Imperial Hammer, #4

    Now Danny is the most wanted criminal in the Empire… Danny has just barely averted the array's plans to dominate the Empire, and now must face the wrath of the Imperial Shield, and dodge a galaxy full of Imperial Rangers who want her dead. Until now, she has had the help of her crew and the fabulous ship, The Supreme Lythion, to get her through any challenges, but the array quickly sends her crew and the ship to the four corners of the known worlds, and isolates Danny in the worst circumstances. She is severed from all she knows, with nothing to her name and must fight back one painful step at a time… Severed is the fourth book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 1.1: An Average Night on Androkles 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Novel __ Praise for Severed: This sci-fi thriller just gets better and better. There is a reason this is one of my favorites. An intense read... fast moving, action filled read with some interesting character twists and a couple political twists that were very well done. Intense Installment!!! Cooper does it again, creating a story that sucks you right in and won't let you go until you finish in the wee hours of the morning! Cameron just keeps writing better and better! I could not put this book down! I had to read it in one long, satisfying session. made for a reading in one sitting. Who could stop an do anything else? Even pee... Original, interesting and well written. Highly recommend. Compulsive reading and full of surprises! Severed is rife with tense suspense and thrills, as lives and loves hang in the balance with seemingly hopeless odds. Another winner for Cameron Cooper. Thrilling and Suspenseful story that is an amazing continuation of this series. a fantastic well written read __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton and John Scalzi are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • Lang lebe der Imperator: Imperial Hammer, #3


    Lang lebe der Imperator: Imperial Hammer, #3
    Lang lebe der Imperator: Imperial Hammer, #3

    Der Imperiale Hammer gegen die selbstbewusste interstellare Anlage. Die Matrix ist ihr Feind, aber Danny und die Crew der Supreme Lythion müssen so tun, als seien sie Verbündete, während sie verzweifelt nach der versteckten Fabrik suchen, in der die Matrix ihre Armee von Superanzügen herstellt. Die Uhr tickt. Der Imperator wird belagert und muss auf Schritt und Tritt Attentate abwehren, während unschuldige Menschen vom Imperium abgeschnitten werden und verhungern müssen.  Und früher oder später wird die Matrix die Wahrheit über Danny erfahren. Wenn das geschieht, wird ihr Zorn überwältigend sein. Lang lebe der Imperator ist das dritte Buch der Space-Opera-Science-Fiction-Serie Imperial Hammer des preisgekrönten SF-Autors Cameron Cooper. Die Imperial Hammer-Serie: 1.0: Hammer und Schmelztiegel 2.0: Die Sternenschmiede 3.0: Lang lebe der Imperator 4.0: Durchtrennt 5.0: Zerstörer der Welten Weltraum-Oper Science-Fiction-Roman ___ Lob für Lang lebe der Imperator:   Dieses Buch stürzt sich direkt in die Action und kommt kaum zur Ruhe! Die Debatte über Natur gegen Erziehung ist ein ethisches Dilemma von galaxisweiter Tragweite. Ich liebe Science-Fiction und diese Geschichte macht sie noch liebenswerter. Ich bewundere die schriftstellerischen Fähigkeiten und die Fantasie von Cameron Cooper. Bevor ich eines der Werke dieses Autors gelesen habe, hätte ich gesagt, dass ich Science Fiction nicht wirklich mag. Das hat sich geändert. Es ist von Anfang bis Ende voller Action. Brillant und raffiniert. Viele denkwürdige Charaktere - aber mein Favorit ist Varg Drehungen und Wendungen, so dass Sie nie wirklich sicher sind, was hinter den Kulissen vor sich geht. ___ Cameron Cooper ist u.a. Autor der Imperial Hammer-Serie, einer Amazon-Bestseller-SF-Reihe. Camerons Bücher sind auf Englisch, Deutsch und Spanisch erhältlich. Cameron schreibt vor allem Kurzgeschichten und Romane als Weltraumoper, aber er ist auch in der Science-Fiction-Landschaft unterwegs. Cameron ist mit Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey und anderen aufgewachsen. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells und Cory Doctorow sind seine heutigen Helden. Als australischer Kanadier lebt Cam in der Nähe der kanadischen Rocky Mountains.

  • Destroyer of Worlds: Imperial Hammer, #5


    Destroyer of Worlds: Imperial Hammer, #5
    Destroyer of Worlds: Imperial Hammer, #5

    The Empire is crumbling and humanity is on its knees. The petulant, self-aware Array has retaliated.  It has destroyed a space station, home to a million people, and stranded Danny and her crew on the surface of the tidally locked Nijeliya II.  They must scratch for survival as best they can. While Danny works to save the city and her people, her fury over the Array's murder of her friends and loved ones stews deep inside.  She will have her revenge, no matter what the cost. Only Nijeliya is a red star and notorious for throwing out superflares that can threaten the life of everything living thing.  Time is running out, not just for Danny and her crew, but for everyone in the galaxy. Destroyer of Worlds is the fifth and final book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 1.1: An Average Night on Androkles 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Novel __ Praise for the Imperial Hammer series: I love sci-fi and this story makes me love it even more. I am in awe of the writing ability and imagination of Cameron Cooper. Before reading any of this author's work, I would have stated I did not really like science fiction. THAT has changed. It's full of action from beginning to end. Brilliant and intricate. Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg. Twists and turns so you're never really sure what is going on behind the scenes. I am so enthralled with the series that I am impatient for the release of the next book. Cameron somehow describes scenes in ways that make me feel like I am actually present This story truly does justice to the legacies of the greats, like Orson Scott Card and Frank Herbert. Edge of your seat action will keep you captivated until the final page!! __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

  • The Imperial Hammer Series Set: Imperial Hammer, #5.5


    The Imperial Hammer Series Set: Imperial Hammer, #5.5
    The Imperial Hammer Series Set: Imperial Hammer, #5.5

    The full, best-selling Imperial Hammer series in one set. Binge read the acclaimed space opera series featuring ex-Imperial Ranger Danny Andela and her friends and family, as they face a unique and deadly threat to the Empire, one that will tax their strength, drain their hearts and force them toward a bleak future… It's full of action from beginning to end. – Reader review. The Imperial Hammer series: 1.0: Hammer and Crucible 1.1: An Average Night on Androkles 2.0: Star Forge 3.0: Long Live the Emperor 4.0: Severed 5.0: Destroyer of Worlds Space Opera Science Fiction Series Boxed Set __ Praise for the Imperial Hammer series: I am in awe of the writing ability and imagination of Cameron Cooper. Brilliant and intricate. Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg. Twists and turns so you're never really sure what is going on behind the scenes. I am so enthralled with the series that I am impatient for the release of the next book. Cameron somehow describes scenes in ways that make me feel like I am actually present This story truly does justice to the legacies of the greats, like Orson Scott Card and Frank Herbert. Edge of your seat action will keep you captivated until the final page!! Cooper is a masterful storyteller An interesting and riveting book as have all the preceding stories been This is sci-fi at its best. This story, and the entire series, truly does justice to the greats of science fiction. __ Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series, among others.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape.  Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes.  An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.


Cameron Cooper

Cameron Cooper is the author of the Imperial Hammer series, an Amazon best-selling space opera series.  Cameron tends to write space opera short stories and novels, but also roams across the science fiction landscape. Cameron was raised on a steady diet of Asimov, Heinlein, Herbert, McCaffrey, and others. Peter F. Hamilton, John Scalzi, Martha Wells and Cory Doctorow are contemporary heroes. An Australian Canadian, Cam lives near the Canadian Rockies.

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