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The Speaking Stone of Caradoc
Children of the Moon
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

Remember the Future Series

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über diese Serie

The three time travellers make their way east to fabled lands, once part of the continent we know as Atlantis. They must retrieve a Speaking Stone and keep it safe, until it can be delivered to its rightful custodians in the Land of Lyonesse. In the middle of the ocean lies the large island of Atala, the center of the 'Known World'. Atala turns out to be relatively safe and the children explore the capitol, where their knowledge of the Akkadian language improves by the day. Then it is time to leave through a maze of smaller islands to the 'Land of the Shaking Earth'. They meet witches, who can talk to animals and some crazy royalty, witness a fight between man and beast in prehistoric England and are lost in the future Scottish mountains. But not everybody means well with the children from the future. To just what lengths will giant sorcerers go to get their hands on the Speaking Stone and gain power over the 'Known World'? A spell to protect the time travelers backfires and soon evil dwarfs chase after them in dangerous pursuit. What exactly is the importance of this unusual stone and why is everybody after it?
Erscheinungsdatum28. Nov. 2016
The Speaking Stone of Caradoc
Children of the Moon

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • Children of the Moon


    Children of the Moon
    Children of the Moon

    Katherine, Trevor and Chryseis develop a time travel device and go on the journey of their lives. 12, 000 years ago, things must have been very different, right? They want to deliver a stunning quantum physics project never seen before and jump into a fascinating world. Instead of cavemen or a smoking volcano, however, they encounter an astonishing lost civilization, meet another time traveler and learn that they might change the future for the better. But should they really explore this strange world and who are the 'Children of the Moon'? After a dangerous turn of events, the three time travelers wonder, if their trip wasn't a big mistake after all.

  • The Speaking Stone of Caradoc


    The Speaking Stone of Caradoc
    The Speaking Stone of Caradoc

    The three time travellers make their way east to fabled lands, once part of the continent we know as Atlantis. They must retrieve a Speaking Stone and keep it safe, until it can be delivered to its rightful custodians in the Land of Lyonesse. In the middle of the ocean lies the large island of Atala, the center of the 'Known World'. Atala turns out to be relatively safe and the children explore the capitol, where their knowledge of the Akkadian language improves by the day. Then it is time to leave through a maze of smaller islands to the 'Land of the Shaking Earth'. They meet witches, who can talk to animals and some crazy royalty, witness a fight between man and beast in prehistoric England and are lost in the future Scottish mountains. But not everybody means well with the children from the future. To just what lengths will giant sorcerers go to get their hands on the Speaking Stone and gain power over the 'Known World'? A spell to protect the time travelers backfires and soon evil dwarfs chase after them in dangerous pursuit. What exactly is the importance of this unusual stone and why is everybody after it?


Evadeen Brickwood

Evadeen Brickwood grew up with two sisters in Karlsruhe/Germany and studied cultural sciences and languages. As a young woman, she travelled extensively and many of her books are inspired by her experiences abroad. Feeling adventurous, the newly qualified translator moved to Africa in 1988 and worked for two years as a secretary and language teacher in Botswana. The author eventually settled in South Africa, where she got married and raised two daughters. In Johannesburg, Evadeen Brickwood studied computers and management of training and worked as a corporate software trainer, professional translator and lecturer at WITS University and owned a training company. In 2003, she began her writing career with youth novels in the ‘Remember the Future’ series, about adventures in prehistory and continued with adventure mysteries. After being conventionally published by 2 publishers in South Africa, the author began self-publishing her books with great success in 2013. There are 16 published novels - including German versions - and counting.Her debut novel 'Children of the Moon' was voted winning science fiction novel in 2017 by Book Talk Radio Club in England.The youth novels are featured on the website http://www.evadeen.wixsite.com/youngbooks.And the website that features the mystery-novels is: http://www.evadeen.wixsite.com/novels and the murder mysteries http://www.evadeen.wixsite.com/charlieproudfootThere are blogs on all websites. You can also watch short book trailers or listen to 20-minute readings there or on Youtube (just search Evadeen Brickwood).You can also visit the author's profiles on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, Shepherd, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and link up with Evadeen Brickwood.

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