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My Queendom for a Horse: The Birthright Series, #1
misUnderstood: The Birthright Series, #4
Displaced: The Birthright Series, #1
eBook-Reihen9 Titel

The Birthright Series

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



Über diese Serie

Chancery may be the youngest ruler of the Evians, but she won her first battle. Thanks to her success, the powers ruling the rest of the Earth are aligning against her, and her supporters' demands grow with every passing day. 


Her days of hiding are over…


A five thousand year old prophecy and a dull black rock ruined the life Chancery planned for herself. As she navigates the roiling waters of ancient prejudice, assassination, war, and refugees, she discovers how deeply unprepared she was to assume this unwanted role. 


But standing tall makes you a target.


She isn't alone, but everyone around her is working an angle. Noah's missing, Edam's planning their wedding, and the rulers of the Evian nations watch her every move like hungry panthers ready to pounce. A prophecy may have led her to this point, but the rest is up to her. Can she locate the true threat amid the school of red herrings? And what price is she willing to pay to prevent the threatened catastrophe? 


Grab books 4-7 of the Birthright series in a convenient, discounted set today! 

Erscheinungsdatum15. Okt. 2019
My Queendom for a Horse: The Birthright Series, #1
misUnderstood: The Birthright Series, #4
Displaced: The Birthright Series, #1

Titel in dieser Serie (9)

  • Displaced: The Birthright Series, #1


    Displaced: The Birthright Series, #1
    Displaced: The Birthright Series, #1

    "A fast moving, engaging tale in what promises to be an epic fantasy romance series," Kirkus Reviews. The first time Chancery's twin sister tried to kill her was on their ninth birthday. In the intervening years, nothing improved. In fact, Judica stabbed her hand with a fork just this morning so she could take the last pancake. Then Judica threw it to her dog. But Chancery has a secret. She's been watching their people's finest warrior for years while she was supposed to be studying. He's gorgeous, powerful, and a genius in all military applications—flawless in every way. Chancery thinks he may like her, too. But he's supposed to marry her evil twin, because their mother chose Judica as her heir, the future empress of one-sixth of the earth. Chancery, sick of all the drama, decides to run away from court to live among the humans, but the day before she's supposed to leave, she's helping her prepare for a ball. She tries on her mother's royal ring and the staridium stone reacts to her. She inadvertently fulfills an ancient prophecy of the woman who will unite the six families and save the entire world. There's no way her mother's going to let her leave now, and things just became much more complicated.

  • My Queendom for a Horse: The Birthright Series, #1


    My Queendom for a Horse: The Birthright Series, #1
    My Queendom for a Horse: The Birthright Series, #1

    Kristiana Liepa was supposed to use the money to save her family farm. She was NOT supposed to spend it all to save a massive, black stallion. But when she saw how he was being treated, what's a vet to do? She had no idea that gorgeous beast was really a powerful (and morally gray) magician who had been cursed by a witch, or that she was the only one who could reverse the curse. And she couldn't possibly have known how that one rash decision would irrevocably change her life. . . and his. Need a little more information to make up your mind?   You can read a trade review and a longer description below:   Publisher's Weekly said, "My Queendom for a Horse is an intriguing paranormal romance with a fresh and fun setup. [R]eaders will enjoy both the magical and romantic elements."  They also said, "The story of a shapeshifting horse is undoubtedly unique. The author puts a dynamic spin on fairytale tropes, while her knowledge and love of horses is evident throughout. A strong, confident female character takes center stage in this novel with her ability to talk to a cursed horse." Here's the longer description with more detail: Kristiana's father has a gambling problem. After a particularly bad hand of cards puts their family's land in jeopardy, her dad's solution is to call her billionaire ex. But Kris can't bring herself to beg him for money. At least, not her first time seeing him in ten years. Instead, she withdraws her life savings and bets on herself. Thankfully, it pays off! She and her most promising horse win big at the Down Royal steeplechase in Ireland, but only because the best horse on the track wasn't ridden properly. Luckily, it's just enough to grant a stay of execution with the bank. Or it would be. . . But when Kris realizes her nemesis is abusing the gorgeous black stallion who should have won, she can't help herself. She spends her winnings buying the horse she fell for the moment she saw him. It may not be the smartest move in the short run, but Obsidian Devil's her best hope of finally digging out from under the massive debt hanging over them. She'll have to ask her ex to help with the next payment, but seeing him again won't be so bad. What Kris doesn't know is that her new purchase is actually a powerful magician, stuck in horse form by a witch's curse. She also has no idea that she'll be the only person who can help him lift the curse. . . And worst of all, that helping him may mean losing the family farm for good.

  • misUnderstood: The Birthright Series, #4


    misUnderstood: The Birthright Series, #4
    misUnderstood: The Birthright Series, #4

    Melina's not like the rest of her family, but if she tries hard enough, maybe one day she'll be enough. With the Centennial Games approaching, she's running out of time to prepare. Her parents also grow ever more impatient for her to choose a suitor.   The ferocious intensity of the Games brings everything into sharp focus. For the first time in her life, Melina begins to understand just how different she really is, and why she's struggled to pick a future husband. Can someone like Melina ever truly find a place among the Evians, or will her differences endanger them all?

  • unForgiven: The Birthright Series, #2


    unForgiven: The Birthright Series, #2
    unForgiven: The Birthright Series, #2

    What's dark is not always evil.   Judica trained her entire life to be ready to one day rule the Alamecha family. She was nothing less than perfect. She fought, studied, and even dated exactly as her mother directed.   Only, now her mother's gone, her sister stole her throne, and her boyfriend abandoned her. Things can't really get any worse, or so she thinks.   When Judica's attacked by a hidden enemy, there's only one person she can trust, the one warrior who never followed her for the wrong reasons. With Roman's help, Judica must discover the true circumstances surrounding her mother's attack and find justice, no matter what stands in her way.   **Author's note: I know you don't want to read Judica's story. That just means I did my job in book one. But my fans love Judica more than anyone else in this series, and there's a reason. Don't you want to find out?    Still not sure whether you want to give Judica a chance? Check out what other reviewers have said after reading her story:    "Judica's story is my favorite in the series!"   "I honestly didn't know how Bridget would be able to redeem Judica in my eyes, but she did it."    "Of all the directions this series could have gone, this was the most surprising."   "I was on the fence about unForgiven because I really didn't like Judica in the first book. However, I'm so glad I read it!"    "Book 2 went and flipped the table on all my preconceived ideas! I loved the switch to the POV of the supposed antagonist."    "All the things we hated about Judica in Displaced are explained in unForgiven and I might like Judica more than Chancery."     "I wasn't sure how I would feel about reading a book from Judica's perspective. I loved it so much!"    "I am so glad we got to hear her story. She's actually my favorite character."    "Book 2 is a flawless move into the POV of Judica. So far, this series is a knock out!" 

  • Disillusioned: The Birthright Series, #3


    Disillusioned: The Birthright Series, #3
    Disillusioned: The Birthright Series, #3

    Chancery's life on her eighteenth birthday is nothing like she imagined it would be. Her mother's gone, she's ruling the family, and her twin has returned as an uneasy ally. But the prophecy hanging over her head causes more problems than it solves, and her love life is a mess. Now that the man of her dreams finally wants her, Chancery's not sure he's right. And she's about to learn a lot of new information about sweet, supportive Noah that's going to transform the playing field in a shocking new way. Join Chancery, Judica, Edam, and Noah for a ride you won't want to miss, and a whole host of twists and turns that will keep you guessing to the very end.

  • Disavowed: The Birthright Series, #5


    Disavowed: The Birthright Series, #5
    Disavowed: The Birthright Series, #5

    Chancery thought that defeating her most vocal enemy would buy her some time, but since her mother died, nothing has gone according to plan. She has a wound that won't heal, enemies masquerading as friends, and a prophecy that keeps popping up to complicate everything that matters to her.   Noah's missing, but Chancery's persistent dreams make her doubt that he's dead. Meanwhile, she's been forced into a wedding of state she's not sure she wants. In the midst of all that, a discovery about her mother's final weeks throws her into greater confusion. Can Chancery sort friends from foes in time to save not only her family and the world, but also her heart?

  • Destroyed: The Birthright Series, #7


    Destroyed: The Birthright Series, #7
    Destroyed: The Birthright Series, #7

    From the very beginning, Chancery cared nothing for power, but fate has forced her to gather all the staridium necessary to rule the world. She's finally ready to fulfill the prophecy, but not all her enemies stood outside the gate. When the villain who murdered her mother finally strikes, Chancery's unprepared.   With Noah, Edam, and Judica on her side, she thought no one could defeat them, but she was wrong.   Broken, battered, and in bondage, can Chancery make the terrible sacrifice required to save the world, even if it shatters her heart?

  • unRepentant: The Birthright Series, #6


    unRepentant: The Birthright Series, #6
    unRepentant: The Birthright Series, #6

    Inara spent two hundred years as a devoted shadow to her mother, sacrificing everything to do what was best for their family. She cared for her mother dearly, but love and hate aren't opposites. Sometimes the difference between them is thinner than the edge of a blade.   When the love of Inara's life finally appears, it's as glorious as she imagined it would be. But a single mistake made long ago can have far-reaching consequences. Even though she wants to do the right thing, Inara's options shrink more with each passing day. Can she rectify her one misstep, or will it drive her off the side of a cliff from which there is no return?

  • The Birthright Series Collection Books 4-7: The Birthright Series, #9


    The Birthright Series Collection Books 4-7: The Birthright Series, #9
    The Birthright Series Collection Books 4-7: The Birthright Series, #9

    Chancery may be the youngest ruler of the Evians, but she won her first battle. Thanks to her success, the powers ruling the rest of the Earth are aligning against her, and her supporters' demands grow with every passing day.    Her days of hiding are over…   A five thousand year old prophecy and a dull black rock ruined the life Chancery planned for herself. As she navigates the roiling waters of ancient prejudice, assassination, war, and refugees, she discovers how deeply unprepared she was to assume this unwanted role.    But standing tall makes you a target.   She isn't alone, but everyone around her is working an angle. Noah's missing, Edam's planning their wedding, and the rulers of the Evian nations watch her every move like hungry panthers ready to pounce. A prophecy may have led her to this point, but the rest is up to her. Can she locate the true threat amid the school of red herrings? And what price is she willing to pay to prevent the threatened catastrophe?    Grab books 4-7 of the Birthright series in a convenient, discounted set today! 

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