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Populism and Globalization: ProtoSociology Volume 37
Senses of Self: Approaches to Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: ProtoSociology Volume 36
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

ProtoSociology - An International Journal of Indisciplinary Research Series

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Über diese Serie

The narrative of populism as a "rising tide" has enjoyed currency at least since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and the success of the "Leave" campaign in the UK referendum on membership of the EU earlier in that year. And yet, on the eve of what proved to be President Trump's election defeat some four years later, the British journalist Nick Cohen felt able to muse "(w)e're endlessly told why populism works. Now see how it might fail" (October 10, 2020). So, one might be forgiven for thinking that what goes around must eventually come around. However, things are not that simple, and the runes are harder to read.
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Erscheinungsdatum11. Mai 2020
Populism and Globalization: ProtoSociology Volume 37
Senses of Self: Approaches to Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: ProtoSociology Volume 36

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • Senses of Self: Approaches to Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: ProtoSociology Volume 36


    Senses of Self: Approaches to Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: ProtoSociology Volume 36
    Senses of Self: Approaches to Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness: ProtoSociology Volume 36

    This collection has its origins in four interdisciplinary workshops, one held annually at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain from 2010-2012 (Origins of Self-Consciousness I-III, Workshop on Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness), and one at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) in Bielefeld in 2013 (Self-Representationalism, Pre-Reflectivity, and Mental Impairment). This original interdisciplinary approach, especially the dialogue with neuroscientists and psychiatrists, has been retained in this collection. However, the collection has been enlarged by a number of solicited contributions that highlight special aspects of the core theme: self-consciousness.

  • Populism and Globalization: ProtoSociology Volume 37


    Populism and Globalization: ProtoSociology Volume 37
    Populism and Globalization: ProtoSociology Volume 37

    The narrative of populism as a "rising tide" has enjoyed currency at least since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and the success of the "Leave" campaign in the UK referendum on membership of the EU earlier in that year. And yet, on the eve of what proved to be President Trump's election defeat some four years later, the British journalist Nick Cohen felt able to muse "(w)e're endlessly told why populism works. Now see how it might fail" (October 10, 2020). So, one might be forgiven for thinking that what goes around must eventually come around. However, things are not that simple, and the runes are harder to read.


Barrie Axford

Barrie Axford isProfessor of Politics and a member of the Centre for Global Politics, Economy and Society (GPES - http://www.social-sciences.brookes.ac.uk/research/gpes/). I serve as a member of the International Editorial Boards of the journals Globalizations, Telematics and Informatics, The International Journal of Electronic Governance and Reinventions. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Global Studies Association. Recent books include 'Theories of Globalization' (Polity, 2013) and 'Cultures and / of Gobalization' (CSP, 2011) edited with Richard Huggins; 'Mere Connection: the World-Making Power of New Media' for Routledge (2018), and the 3rd edition of 'Politics: An Introduction' also for Routledge, with Victoria Browne, Richard Huggins and Rico Isaacs (2019). I have recently co-edited a collection of research papers on "Ideology in the Age of Global Discontent" for Routledge (2018).

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