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#207 Pete Ripmaster

#207 Pete Ripmaster


#207 Pete Ripmaster


41 Minuten
11. Juli 2018


Pete Ripmaster is the winner of the 2018 Iditarod Trail Invitational. You’ve probably heard of the Iditarod before, and you might think it’s bizarre to be pulled by a bunch of dogs in sub-zero temperatures in the Alaskan wilderness. But that’s not the Iditarod that Pete won. He did the same course - 1,000 miles and 50 degrees below zero - in the form of an ultramarathon. With no dogs to help him along the way, Pete's feet carried him an average of 38 miles a day over 26 days. Go to SAXXunderwear.com and use the code “meister” at checkout for $5 off and free shipping on your first order.  Iditarod Trail invitational - http://www.iditarodtrailinvitational.com/ Pete Ripmaster's website - https://www.peteripmaster.com/
11. Juli 2018

Titel in dieser Serie (100)

A high altitude mountaineer travels through sub-zero temperatures, scales treacherous terrain, and carries hundreds of pounds of supplies. Many of us have very little in common with this person. We don’t need to worry about the lack of oxygen in the air or the extent of frostbite in our toes. Yet, we are all human. There are certain ideas which apply to all of us, no matter if we are standing at 29,029 feet or sea level. Why is it important to step outside of our comfort zone? How do we weigh risk vs. reward? What impact does human behavior have on our decision making? On MtnMeister, we explore these ideas by talking with those who have found answers in the extremes. Ben Schenck, the host of MtnMeister (pronounced Mountain Meister), asks thought-provoking and sometimes uncomfortable questions that you won't hear in a typical interview. Notable guests include Alex Honnold, Sasha DiGiulian, Ueli Steck, Jeremy Jones, Lynn Hill, Conrad Anker, Aaron Gwin and other adventurers in climbing, skiing, hiking, biking, and everything else in the mountains.