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Chocolate Bomb
Chocolate Bomb
Chocolate Bomb
Hörbuch1 Stunde

Chocolate Bomb

Geschrieben von Francesca Romana Pistoia

Erzählt von Mundo Hablado

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

During a travel in Romania as a social clown, in October 2006, together with my friends we visited an institute hosting orphaned. The children were more than a hundred and the service staff in total counted no more than six people. In particular, I was impressed by a child among many; although he was three years old, he wasn't able to speak. No-one spent time teaching him. Something broke and, at the same time, something was born in me. It was a new awareness that, left for years at the bottom of my heart, day after day, pulse after pulse, helped me in writing this book.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Feb. 2018
Chocolate Bomb

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