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Der Modigliani Skandal
Der Modigliani Skandal
Der Modigliani Skandal
Hörbuch4 Stunden

Der Modigliani Skandal

Geschrieben von Ken Follett

Erzählt von Simon Roden

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Der Modigliani Skandal

Die junge Engländerin Dee und ihr amerikanischer Freund Mike stoßen in Paris auf die Spur eines verschwundenen Meisterwerkes - ein Bild des berühmten Malers Amedeo Modigliani. Aber es machen noch andere Jagd auf die kostbare Beute, und sie schrecken vor nichts zurück. Diebstahl, Betrug und vielleicht Mord sind im Spiel. Und keiner weiß: Gibt es das Bild von Modigliani wirklich? Und wenn ja, ist es echt?
HerausgeberLübbe Audio
Erscheinungsdatum2. Apr. 2010
Der Modigliani Skandal

Ken Follett

Ken Follett was born in Cardiff, Wales. Barred from watching films and television by his parents, he developed an early interest in reading thanks to a local library. After studying philosophy at University College London, he became involved in centre-left politics, entering into journalism soon after. His first thriller, the wartime spy drama Eye of the Needle, became an international bestseller and has sold over 10 million copies. He then astonished everyone with his first historical novel, The Pillars of the Earth, the story of the building of a medieval cathedral, which went on to become one of the most beloved books of the twentieth century. One of the most popular authors in the world, his many books including the Kingsbridge series and the Century trilogy - a body of work which together chronicles over a thousand years of history - and his latest novel Never - which envisages how World War III could happen - have sold more than 188 million copies. A father and husband, Ken lives with his wife in England and enjoys travelling the world when he can.

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