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Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels: The voyage to Lilliput
Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels: The voyage to Lilliput
Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels: The voyage to Lilliput
Hörbuch48 Minuten

Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels: The voyage to Lilliput

Geschrieben von Jonathan Swift und Jürgen Fritsche

Erzählt von Jürgen Fritsche

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

Lemuel Gulliver is a ship's surgeon. One day, he is the sole survivor when his ship sinks. Stranded on an island, he soon makes the acquaintance of the island's inhabitants. He has to look closely, though: The people of Lilliput are tiny! But not powerless, as he soon finds out...
Erscheinungsdatum11. Dez. 2020
Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's travels: The voyage to Lilliput

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin in 1667. Although he spent most of his childhood in Ireland, he considered himself English, and, aged twenty-one, moved to England, where he found employment as secretary to the diplomat Sir William Temple. On Temple's death in 1699, Swift returned to Dublin to pursue a career in the Church. By this time he was also publishing in a variety of genres, and between 1704 and 1729 he produced a string of brilliant satires, of which Gulliver's Travels is the best known. Between 1713 and 1742 he was Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin; he was buried there when he died in 1745.

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